Some of the submissions are animated, click on the image to watch.
- A prototype interfacial dialtional rheometer showing the oscillation of the interface.
- A dilute emulsion pretending to be a crowded solar system.
- A daughter droplet merrily bouncing along after an extensional rheology measurement.
- An artistic view of a moment in the machine shop.
- A sparkling view of pendant droplet tensiometry. Note that the droplet contains sedimented particles.
- Air bubble in water under oscilatory compression.
- Gelatinizing starch granules that appear to have a better place to be.
- Modified Texture Profile Anlaysis on a food bar.
- Mouse neurosphere before and after many mechanical compression cycles.
- Tapioca starch on a rheometer plate after measuring viscosity at different temperatures.
- Navy bean cells under simulated conditions of cooking followed by gastric and small intestinal digestion.
- Quasi-static compression of a micro-capsule held on a 50 micron ID capillary (note the faint outline of the shell around the edges).
- Oil droplets coated with starch undergoing gelatinization.
- Timelapse microscopy of a Gellan gum capsule (note that the capsule spontaneously sheds its shell).
- Droplet-on-a-Subtrate (DoS) experiment showing formation of a short-lived liquid thread.
- Two oil droplets in water under oscillatory collision.
- 3D printed mould for a PDMS channel.
- Freshly formed iris membrane for iterfacial dilational rheometer.
- Corn leaf showing spray deposition from Active Flower fertilizer
- Wicking of diesel fuel into a novel absorbent gel material.
- Floating biofilm detection assay based on interfacial reflection imaging.
- Rupture of a Pseudomonas aeruginosa biofilm grown on a pendant droplet (note the clean interface emerging from the apex of the droplet).
- Slow motion video of a model agricultural spray
- Beautiful view of an emulsion through the opening of a bottle. The view reminded the photographer of a diamond.
- A thin film of silicone oil trying (and failing) to rupture.
- Cellulose nanocrystals showing birefringence. Note that these are the true colors observed from the microscope.
- Coalescence of large scale emulsion droplets
- How to split a droplet in two (the diameter of the tubes is 350 microns).
- A soap film formed by accident while measuring surface tension. Note the ultra-thin portion of the film near the top as the liquid in the film drains downward.
- Beautiful colors from light interference in a tiny soap film.
- Lowering the focal plane through Pickering emulsion droplets
- A pendant droplet that appears to have a hole in it. Anyone remember the movie “Death Becomes Her”?
- Beware of static electricity when measuring surface tension.
- Water droplets collecting and coalescing at the bottom of an oil-filled cuvette while measuring interfacial tension.
- Tiny fish eggs approximately 1.5 mm in diameter. Note that they are far from spherical.
- Accidental creation of a double emulsion with a few air bubbles along for the ride.
- The results of a beautiful accident when casting in PDMS.
- Wilhelmy rod raising a meniscus on a tranquil Langmuir Trough.
- Water spray landing on a paper towel.
- An artistic arrangement of starch granules (false color).
- Boomerang GIF of a silicon oil film sliding off the top of a bubble.
- Gelatinzed starch in water after pasting experiment.
- Evaporation and condensation of water within an (unwanted) air bubble during starch gelatinization test.
- Pendant bubble competing with a pendant droplet of viscoelastic fluid.
- Microscopy images from in situ simulated cooking of individual starch granules.
- Ejection of one fluid into a second miscible fluid. Note that the difference in refractive index shows the fluids as they mix..
- A beautiful accident when generating bubbles for study in the CCFA chamber.
- Closeup image of the capillaries in the CCFA. Note that small glass beads have been attached to the tips.
- An interesting result of mixing a nanocrystals and polymer with tannic acid.
- An experimenter’s view of the classic Pendant Droplet Tensiometer
- Image sequence from measurements of extensional viscosity using the dripping-onto-substrate method.
- Air bubble in water attached to a solid surface under axial oscillation (note the spatial aliasing due to the frame rate and rolling shutter).
- Spin coating an SiO2 substrate with cellulose nanocrystals.
- Micro-scale air bubble under tension (the capillaries are 360 microns in diameter)..
- Pinch-off event of polymer solution resulting in a bouncing daughter droplet.
- Ultra-low density foam made from a switchable surfactant.
- Low density foam with very large bubbles.
- Trains of small bubbles calmly rising in water.
- Spray droplets hitting a test surface.
- A closeup view of a Wilhelmy rod measuring the surface tension of water.
- Nile Red dye dissolving in a solution.
- Numerical simulation of the flow in a rotating cylinder partially filled with water.
- Closeup view of sugar crystals in a balsamic glaze.
- Slow motion video of a bursting bubble.
- Fluorescence image of a pectin microgel particle.
- Boomerang gif of milling in white plastic.
- A buckled iris filled with liquid.
- Water spray on blueberry leaves.
- A wrinkly gel particle.
- Pendant droplet setup showing just how shiny interfaces can be.
- Nucleation of bubbles in a film of silicone. Note how evenly spaced they are.
- Preparing a suspension of activated charcoal.